Orbs – paranormal or not

I’m going to open up a discussion on orbs. I know I’m opening a big door but I’m interested in people’s opinions. And people’s opinions on this subject vary from one extreme to the other.

Before I start I’m going to ask anyone who participates to please respect others opinions even if they don’t agree with yours. Any name calling will not be tolerated.

Ok… here goes.

Is an orb always dust, insect, other debris or are some orbs signs of paranormal activity?

Now since the age of digital cameras orbs have increased. Certainly I’ve gotten more than I ever had. Having said that I find it interesting that I never just get them on regular photos. It seems I only get them when I suspect paranormal activity and I only started getting them since our parents have passed. Believe me the cats never did this before. All these occurrences have transpired since the first parent passing.

Let me clarify. I have taken over 100 photos in my living room/stairway area and for the most part I never get an orb. For the most part? Yes all regular photos never show any orbs. Yet whenever one of my cats start acting weird and stare at the stairs like something or someone is there, combined usually with us hearing noises or footsteps and I get up and take a photo from their angle I will get an orb or series of orbs. (usually it has to be at their angle although there is that rare occasion that I get one without their pov)

Now these aren’t ones just close to the camera. I get some far back up the top of the stairs and some of these are so bright. But not in a reflective way. Some seem to have substance and others not. I know some could be dust but there are those few that I have gotten that make me wonder. Like I said this orb thing only began since. If it were dust then why would I not see them when I have people in the house and the dust is surely being kicked about? I don’t know the answer and I am reluctant to say unequivocally that these are paranormal but now that I am amassing more of these types I have to begin to wonder.

What about orbs that are a different color?

Until a recent investigation I have never gotten a colored orb, other than white/gray that is.

I recently did a night investigation at Fort Mifflin, PA and while the evening was interesting and enjoyable I personally only had “one” personal experience that night. (I will post the full investigation soon) Here is where the orb comes in. I was in the blacksmith shop standing in the doorway when I heard a distinctive voice right outside. A woman’s voice. (Promise the orb part is coming) When I heard the voice I just thought it was one of the other investigative teams but when I leaned out to look there was no one there so I stepped outside for a better, more thorough look. After feeling confident there was no one I got the distinct feeling there was someone watching me from either the building in front of me (an old open stable or barn I think but now just some storage) or the hill next to it and behind it. So I began to take a series of pictures.

Now the orb(s).

When I began to review the photos the first thing I noticed was there were 2 distinctive orange colored orbs. There were other orbs (gray) in the picture, faint but there and I did feel those could be dust but here were these orange ones. As I went through the pictures again I discovered a rather strange little light (not sure I could call it an orb but it might fit that category) that appeared near the top of the barn roof. It seemed to move about from one still shot to the next. (I will post these for your comments) Now again I’m on the fence about orbs believe me. I like hard scientific evidence but… I can’t explain what these are or when I get them at my house.

Anyway I’m going to look at them again and will link the page when I post but I really am curious what others opinions are about orbs. Orbs on video are, I believe a little easier to determine what they are since the way they move, illuminate and behave are very telling. I mean bugs are pretty easy to pick out on video but perhaps not so much on a still shot.

So what’s your take on orbs? Colored orbs, illuminated orbs, orbs that seem to move with a purpose on video and other situational orbs. Anyone care to weigh in on the subject?

10 thoughts on “Orbs – paranormal or not

  1. I had an unfamiliar experience last night, and I’m determined to find some answers. Perhaps someone here can shed some light for me. I walked into my bedroom last night, startled by a large, bright green shape (asymmetrical, almost an awkward, elongated heart) which was glowing next to a door opposite of the door I was standing in. It was very much the same glow one would see from a glow stick. It was not a frightening experience, per say, but I did choose to spend the night on the couch until my husband returned late from work. I’ve had several fairly insignificant experiences with the paranormal since I was little, but nothing quite like this. Is it an orb? All the photos I see on orbs are transparent and are said to move. This one was definitely solid in color and did not move. I did disappear while I was not watching it, and I am absolutely certain that there were no logical circumstances that could have created that type of light and shape in this particular spot. Any feedback would be much appreciated!

    • Interesting! Do you know approx how long it was there after you first saw it? Could you tell if it was floating in the air or was it on a wall or door? It’s possible you saw some kind of energy, especially if you cannot find another explanation. It doesn’t necessarily mean that there was a spirit there. Have you had any other experiences?

  2. I’ve gotten some great orb photos–large, red, moving–but the data show that all orbs should be dismissed as dust particles, especially with digital cameras which have the ability to capture minute floating reflected debris. It’s too bad as I’ve really wanted to push through some of my orbs; under one huge red orb I smelled cigar smoke–only there and no where else–when I snapped the photo.

    • Kathyrn,

      Why don’t you post in either “share your photos” or the forum. Or if you want you can send to me and I’ll post in one of those 2 places. I know I’d love to see them and I’m sure others would as well. As usual people don’t have to agree that they are paranormal and can post their views but all responses are asked to be respectful.

      I know there is a huge debate on orbs but I believe that sometimes these are not dust or debris. While I think too many times people count every orb as paranormal there are those times especially coupled with other indications, such as the cigar smoke that I think they are paranormal in nature. I think we’ve now gone to the other extreme where “no orb” is paranormal. Personally I feel there is a place somewhere in the middle.

      Consider sharing some of the ones you’ve indicated.

  3. Orbs have been given a really bad name with all the folks out there posting pics of dust or bugs and claiming paranormal activity but I believe maybe 1% cannot be explained away.
    For an orb to be something more than an artifact I always look for:
    1- if it makes its own light
    2- if it is less translucent and if the shape is irregular
    3- which is most important, if it moves with intent, meaning it doesn’t respond like a dust mote just floating on the breeze or a bug fluttering past.
    In a still photo its very hard to determine those points but on video its more readily apparent.

  4. I have seen both solid and see through type orbs. When you are looking at a picture it is very hard to tell between dust and orbs, unless you took the picture and are aware of the surrounding area. For example, you might be walking in the middle of the night through the grounds of Ft. Mifflin or Gettysburg in winter. Chances of dust is rare, especially if a control picture was taken. I was with Barb in Ft. Mifflin. I agree with her, haven taken pictures of the area as well. The “orange” orbs were not dust.
    Very interesting picture, and obviously something there. Good pic Barb!

  5. When I went to Salem Mass, I was told that orbs are to be solid in color. Not a see through. This was told to me by a women that did a Ghost Hunt tour through the town. I have many photo’s of orbs…so I thought but now not so sure. Some are see through, some are color and some are solid white light.

  6. I am pretty much in the same boat as Tim on this one. I would say most orbs can be chalked up to dust and bugs. Still photos can be extremely difficult to determine because you are just getting a small moment in time, where as in a video or perhaps seeing it with your own eyes you can tell how long it is there for and what kind of movements it makes. I think orbs have the possibility to be spirits or ghosts. It is believed that ghost are some form of energy and energy can form in different ways so why couldn’t it show up as an orb!? I just don’t think we have the knowledge yet to make determination.

  7. I think that the majority of all orbs are simply dust or other debris/insects, etc. floating in the air within a few inches of your camera lens when the flash goes off. But, that being said, I have also recorded orbs on video that seam to defy the laws of physics and appear to demonstrate their own intelligence. Even more interesting is that I, and the vast majority of friends I have in the paranormal field have all witnessed (although rarely) glowing orbs moving across a room with our own two eyes. As for the assortment of hues; different materials produce different colors when they are illuminated… and I don’t think we can make that determination on the paranormal orbs yet, since ghost hunters and paranormal investigators around the world don’t completely understand or even accept them as being genuine evidence of the paranormal yet.

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