Truth Travelers with Mary G and Steve Shockley

Anyone wising to follow Mary G and Steve S can hear them host their Truth Travelers show every Thursday on Uber Radio Network.

You can also follow her on Facebook.

Mary and Steve host many paranormal events. Check back often for news concerning them.

Shanley Hotel August 20th, 2011

Well a few of us will be heading up to the Shanley Hotel on August 20th, 2011.

We’ll be joining up with the Truth Travelers with Steve Shockley and MaryG for a very interesting evening with dinner and the overnight investigation. There will be 1920’s theme for those adventurous investigators wishing to dress up.

I’ve promised to make a few cd’s of era appropriate music to hopefully provide the proper atmosphere and trigger some activity. Looks like a good time in the making.

We’ll be sure to follow up with stories and any evidence we have.
